How to benefit from funding for battery systems
Invest in green energy and energy efficiency

Funding for battery storage
an overview

Depending on the application, purchasing a battery storage system can be worthwhile for various reasons, both economic and ecological. You can generally secure financial benefits even when purchasing, as investment in sustainable energy solutions is eligible for funding for both private and commercial applications.

There are funding programmes from the European Union, federal government of Germany and others from federal states and municipalities. The possibilities are diverse, and the regulations often complex, which is why we would like to help you get an initial overview with the information on this page. For all details on the individual funding programmes, we refer you to the relevant sources to obtain the latest, most complete information in each case.

Of course we are also happy to offer further support: please contact us with your enquiry using the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Who can receive funding?

Private individuals, e.g. homeowners, can receive funding for their electric vehicles, wall boxes or solar installations with battery storage systems, just as business operators can for̈ their industrial-scale storage systems.

Where does the funding come from?

At the federal level, i.e. across Germany, applicable funding for renewable energy always comes from the bank KfW. Beyond̈ this, federal states and municipalities offer their own funding programmes, which only apply in those areas.

What does it fund?

In principle, all measures to increase energy efficiency and/or the use of renewable energy. In addition to new photovoltaic installations with battery storage systems, it also includes retrofitting̈ battery storage systems and charging stations, and much more.

What types of funding are there?

Funding works in two ways: through grants that are paid out and through cheap loans. Sometimes a percentage of the investment can be requested; sometimes it is 100% funded. The amount of funding is always capped, at a different amount on a case-by-case basis.

What’s your next step?

Get advice from an expert on what technology/technologies make sense for̈ your requirements, how powerful the system needs to be and which funding programmes are relevant. (Tip: you can also combine different ones with each other!) Then submit your funding application for your specific project and, following approval, you can get started.

Are you interested in more information about funding?

We are happy to help you.

Get in touch now!

Battery storage funding at a glance

Funding from the federal government

Internationale Förderungen