Current Storage Fundings

Fundings in Austria

Name of programme:

Medium-sized electricity storage systems

Aim/purpose of funding:

Funding for medium-sized electricity storage systems is intended to help optimise the energy system. To this end, projects for the installation of medium-sized electricity storage systems with a net storage capacity of 51 to 1,000 kWh are supported. The ability of the system to communicate with other components of the energy system is an essential prerequisite for operating the system in a grid-friendly manner.

Type of funding:

Non-repayable investment grant that is paid out after the final project statement.

Who is supported:

The following target groups can apply for funding:

  • natural persons
  • sole proprietorships
  • companies under civil law
  • general partnerships
  • legal entities

Funding conditions:

Investment measures in the planning and implementation of electricity storage systems with a net storage capacity of 51 to 1,000 kWh are subsidised.
An electricity storage system is defined as a stationary system that can store electrical energy and make it available again for delayed utilisation.
The following are subsidised

  • Newly installed electricity storage systems
  • Expansion of existing systems that are used to store electricity from generation plants based on renewable sources
  • The use of used storage systems (in the sense of the circular economy)

The environmentally relevant investment costs are eligible for funding. These include the investment costs for the storage system including cabling, pipework, integration into the system and charging and control management, as well as the planning costs and other intangible services up to 10% of the material environmentally relevant investment costs.

The following are not eligible for funding

  • Electricity generation plants
  • Installations that exacerbate grid bottlenecks
  • Provision of services outside the specified period
  • Planning costs that exceed 10% of the eligible material investment costs
  • Disposal costs
  • Energy supply costs

for more see guidelines

Funding amount:

National funding of €10 million and co-financing from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) totalling €7.9 million are available.

Electricity storage systems with a net storage capacity of 51 to 1,000 kWh:
  • Funding basis: Flat rate
  • Funding amount: 150 euros/kWh Flat rate includes a sustainability surcharge
Surcharges for systems in regions with a special focus on climate protection
  • Funding basis: Flat rate
  • Funding amount: 10 euros/kWh

Duration of programme:

Start of the call for tenders: 10/06/2024
End of the tender: 28/02/2025, 12:00 noon

Name of programme:

Security of supply in rural areas – Energy self-sufficient farms

Aim/purpose of funding:

The Ministry of Climate Protection promotes investments in climate-friendly technologies and the switch to renewable energies in order to support farmers and foresters on their way to becoming energy self-sufficient farms. The programme specifically promotes measures to increase energy efficiency, supports the expansion of renewable energies and the use of sustainable mobility as well as the implementation of energy management measures. Agricultural and forestry businesses are supported in switching to sustainable energy and thus making a contribution to climate protection.

Who is supported:

Applications for funding can be submitted by managers of agricultural and forestry operations with a corresponding LFBIS farm number.

Funding conditions:

The funding programme has a modular structure. The aim is to support agricultural and forestry operations on their way to a higher level of energy self-sufficiency. Funding is provided for predefined bundles of measures (individual measures), but also for integrated overall solutions that contribute to achieving the programme's objectives. Four different modules for agricultural and forestry businesses are being tendered in order to achieve the programme objectives:

  • Module A - ‘Individual measures’ module:

In Module A, the predefined combinations of measures (PV system + storage + emergency power functionality OR storage + emergency power functionality) can be submitted, which can be implemented without energy consulting and without an overall energy concept. Submission takes place BEFORE implementation of the measures. PV systems alone cannot be subsidised under Module A. Extensions to PV and storage systems are possible.

  • Module B - ‘Overall energy concept’ module:

In Module B, the creation of an overall energy concept by a qualified energy consultant is subsidised. The preparation of an overall energy concept or the submission of an equivalent energy concept in accordance with is a prerequisite for participation in Module C. The preparation of the overall energy concept must be completed by the time the final invoice for the measures in Module C is issued. Submission takes place BEFORE implementation of the measure.

  • Module C - ‘Combined measures’ module:

In Module C, various investment measures can be submitted in combination in one funding application. The amount of funding increases with an increase in the number of measures implemented in accordance with Module B and depending on the degree of self-sufficiency achieved with the measures. The application must be submitted BEFORE the measure is implemented.

  • Module D - ‘Emergency power’ module:

The ‘Emergency power’ module can be submitted for funding independently of all other modules and without the need for energy advice. As part of this module, the conversion of the meter box with regard to emergency power capability is subsidised at a flat rate of 850 euros per business. In contrast to modules A, B and C, the application must be submitted AFTER the measure has been implemented.

Funding amount:

  • The Ministry of Climate Protection is providing a total of 100 million euros for energy self-sufficient farms
  • The funding amount per farm is limited to 250,000 euros.

Duration of programme:

The call for proposals is open from 15/02/2023 to 28/11/2025 (12:00 noon).

KPC-fundings (only in german)

Guidelines (only in german)

Name of programme:

Security of supply in rural areas – Energy self-sufficient farms

Aim/purpose of funding:

The Ministry of Climate Protection promotes investments in climate-friendly technologies and the switch to renewable energies in order to support farmers and foresters on their way to becoming energy self-sufficient farms. The programme specifically promotes measures to increase energy efficiency, supports the expansion of renewable energies and the use of sustainable mobility as well as the implementation of energy management measures. Agricultural and forestry businesses are supported in switching to sustainable energy and thus making a contribution to climate protection.

Who is supported:

Applications for funding can be submitted by managers of agricultural and forestry operations with a corresponding LFBIS farm number.

Funding conditions:

The funding programme has a modular structure. The aim is to support agricultural and forestry operations on their way to a higher level of energy self-sufficiency. Funding is provided for predefined bundles of measures (individual measures), but also for integrated overall solutions that contribute to achieving the programme's objectives. Four different modules for agricultural and forestry businesses are being tendered in order to achieve the programme objectives:

  • Module A - ‘Individual measures’ module:

In Module A, the predefined combinations of measures (PV system + storage + emergency power functionality OR storage + emergency power functionality) can be submitted, which can be implemented without energy consulting and without an overall energy concept. Submission takes place BEFORE implementation of the measures. PV systems alone cannot be subsidised under Module A. Extensions to PV and storage systems are possible.

  • Module B - ‘Overall energy concept’ module:

In Module B, the creation of an overall energy concept by a qualified energy consultant is subsidised. The preparation of an overall energy concept or the submission of an equivalent energy concept in accordance with is a prerequisite for participation in Module C. The preparation of the overall energy concept must be completed by the time the final invoice for the measures in Module C is issued. Submission takes place BEFORE implementation of the measure.

  • Module C - ‘Combined measures’ module:

In Module C, various investment measures can be submitted in combination in one funding application. The amount of funding increases with an increase in the number of measures implemented in accordance with Module B and depending on the degree of self-sufficiency achieved with the measures. The application must be submitted BEFORE the measure is implemented.

  • Module D - ‘Emergency power’ module:

The ‘Emergency power’ module can be submitted for funding independently of all other modules and without the need for energy advice. As part of this module, the conversion of the meter box with regard to emergency power capability is subsidised at a flat rate of 850 euros per business. In contrast to modules A, B and C, the application must be submitted AFTER the measure has been implemented.

Funding amount:

  • The Ministry of Climate Protection is providing a total of 100 million euros for energy self-sufficient farms
  • The funding amount per farm is limited to 250,000 euros.

Duration of programme:

The call for proposals is open from 15/02/2023 to 28/11/2025 (12:00 noon).

KPC-fundings (only in german)

Guidelines (only in german)

Name of programme:

Energy Communities 2023

Type of funding:

Promotion of intangible benefits

Aim/purpose of funding:

In the context of the current Austrian energy policy, the population should be actively involved in the energy transition. This programme supports energy communities and joint generation plants that require more planning and are implemented as lighthouse projects due to their innovative exemplary character, in order to encourage other investors to imitate them and implement them in practice.

Who does it fund:

Renewable energy communities between natural persons, municipalities, legal entities of public authorities (...), legal entities, regional authorities.

Funding conditions, amount of funding:

  • Total budget 5 million euros (if the budget is exhausted, the programme can be terminated early).
  • Funding amounts up to 50% of net costs
  • Maximum funding incl. bonus 20,000 euros

Funding is awarded in the form of a non-repayable grant, which is paid out after the project's final settlement.
Final settlement documents must be submitted no later than six months after funds have been committed.

Duration of programme:

Submissions are possible on an ongoing basis from 02.10.2023 until 30.09.2024 (12 noon) subject to available budget funds.

Name of programme:

EAG subsidies

Type of funding:

One-time investment subsidy

Information on the Electricity Investment Subsidies Ordinance Amendment 2024

The Electricity Investment Subsidy Ordinance Amendment 2024 has been promulgated and will enter into force on 15 March 2024.

The 2024 amendment to the Electricity Investment Subsidy Ordinance (EAG-Investitionszuschüsseverordnung-Strom-Novelle 2024) sets out the funding calls, funding and funding rates for 2024.

The first funding call for photovoltaic systems and electricity storage systems will start on 15 April 2024, the first funding call for hydropower systems on 21 March 2024.

From 2024, applications will be submitted via the following website

Information on submitting applications (in accordance with the Renewable Energy Expansion Act)

Investment grants (hydropower)

Investment grants (wind power)

Investment grants (biomass)

Investment grants (photovoltaics & electricity storage)

The new construction and expansion of photovoltaic systems and the associated new construction of electricity storage systems are subsidised. According to the current legal structure, no minimum size is defined for the expansion of a PV system.

Duration of programme:


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