Current storage subsidies

Fundings in Schleswig-Holstein

Name of programme:

Promotion of electricity storage systems

Aim of funding:

The aim of this funding is to achieve greater integration of renewable energies through the construction of electricity storage facilities in Schleswig-Holstein.

Type of funding

Partial funding in the form of a non-repayable grant.
The grant or parts thereof are paid out retrospectively (reimbursement principle).

What is subsidised?

The entire investment costs are eligible for funding.

  • Expenditure is eligible if it is causally related to the project, is absolutely necessary for its realisation and complies with the principles of economic efficiency and economy.
  • The provisions of the applicable public procurement law must be complied with.
  • In the case of a grant in excess of €100,000, three comparative offers must be obtained. These must be submitted as part of the application.

Projects are not eligible for funding:

  • Projects that have already begun or that are being carried out on behalf of third parties not involved in the project. In principle, the conclusion of a supply and service contract attributable to the execution of the project is to be regarded as the start of the project. However, planning and authorisation procedures do not count as the start of the project.
  • In particular, rebates and discounts, regardless of whether they are utilised.

Who is subsidised?

This funding can only be applied for by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based or operating in Schleswig-Holstein.

Medium-sized companies are companies that

  • employ fewer than 250 people
  • and have an annual turnover of no more than 50 million euros or an annual balance sheet total of no more than 43 million euros.

Small companies are companies

  • that employ fewer than 50 people and
  • whose annual turnover or annual balance sheet total does not exceed 10 million euros.

The definition of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Annex I of the GBER is decisive for determining the size of an enterprise.

Funding conditions:

  • The funding is only granted for electricity storage systems that are to be newly installed (no modernisation).
  • The project contributes to load shifting that is beneficial to the system. The operation of the storage system must not trigger or exacerbate any grid bottlenecks.
  • The electricity storage system must draw at least 75% of its annual energy from the directly connected renewable energy generation system.
  • If the storage medium is hydrogen, the electricity storage system will only be subsidised if only hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is used for storage.
  • The operation of the electricity storage facility must be economically viable in the medium to long term.
  • The project must be carried out in Schleswig-Holstein.
  • The total costs of the project must be more than 200,000 euros, but may not exceed 10 million euros.
  • Funding is only possible if the overall financing is secured.

Amount of funding:

  • The amount of funding for medium-sized companies is 40% of the eligible costs.
  • The amount of funding for micro and small enterprises is 50% of the eligible costs.

Duration of the programme:

Digital application is now possible.

further information

Name of programme:

Granting of subsidies for the promotion of electricity storage systems

Type of funding:

Partial financing in the form of a purpose-specific, non-repayable grant

What is subsidised?

Investments in electricity storage with the following conditions:

  • combined renewable energy and storage project
  • the electricity storage system must be connected to an existing renewable energy generation system
  • the electricity storage system must draw at least 75 per cent of its annual energy from the directly connected renewable energy generation system

The following are not eligible for funding:

  • Companies or sectors in the cases of Article 1 (2), (3) and (5) GBER
  • Beneficiaries that have not complied with a recovery order issued by the EU Commission due to unauthorised aid
  • Companies in difficulty (Article 2 No. 18 GBER)
  • Projects that have already begun (without approval for early project start). Planning and authorisation procedures do not count as the start of the project.

Who is subsidised?

  • small and medium-sized enterprises (fewer than 250 persons, annual turnover of no more than € 50 million, annual balance sheet total of no more than € 43 million).
    • Legal entities under public and private law
    • natural persons with a registered office, branch or permanent establishment in Schleswig-Holstein at the time of application

with a registered office, branch or permanent establishment in Schleswig-Holstein at the time of application

Funding conditions:

  • Only newly installed electricity storage systems are eligible for funding (no modernisation).
  • The operation of the storage system must not trigger or exacerbate any grid bottlenecks.
  • The electricity storage system must draw at least 75% of its annual energy from the directly connected renewable energy generation plant.
  • The project must be realised in the state of Schleswig-Holstein.
  • Funding only with proof of a guaranteed own contribution of at least 10% by the beneficiary, regardless of the origin of the funding.

Amount of funding:

  • The total cost of the project must be more than €200,000
  • They may not exceed €10,000,000
  • The total investment costs are eligible for funding

Duration of the programme:

The term of this funding guideline is limited until the date of expiry of the AGVO plus an adjustment period of six months, i.e. until 30 June 2027.

To the guidelinen (only in german)

further information (only in german)

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