Current Storage Fundings

Fundings in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Name of programme:

Klimaschutz-Projekte in wirtschaftlich tätigen Organisationen [Climate protection projects in economically active organisations]

What does it fund?

The programme funds measures that directly or indirectly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These measures could relate to renewable energies, increasing energy efficiency and saving energy.

Who does it fund?

  • Private individuals
  • Companies in trade and industry that operate sites in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, including cooperatives.
  • It excludes the self-employed and companies that are eligible for funding under applicable agricultural investment programmes.
  • Associations, charitable associations, charitable foundations; not-for-profit organisations, entities and institutions under public law that are economically active.

Funding conditions, amount of funding:

  • The electricity stored in the battery storage systems must come from renewable energy sources
  • The stored electricity may only be used for own consumption
  • The energy storage system must not participate in the electricity market
  • The grant-eligible amounts must total at least EUR 20,000 or, if the funding is exclusively for preliminary studies, planning services or energy management investigations, at least EUR 5,000.
  • Applicants must not start on the project before their grant is approved or before preliminary work on the project has been approved.
  • The applicant must demonstrate that they have made efforts to seek other sources of funding.
  • The amortisation period for the project must exceed five years.
  • The partial funding generally covers up to 50% for measures involving the use of renewable energies, or up to 60% in exceptional cases; the partial funding covers up to 50% for energy efficiency measures.

Duration of programme:


An application can be submitted in writing at any time during the funding period from 2023 to 2027 without an annual submission deadline.

Further information: State Capital Schwerin

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