Current Storage Fundings

Fundings in Sachsen-Anhalt

Name of programme:

Sachsen-Anhalt ENERGIE

Type of funding:

Non-repayable grant

What is subsidised?

Funding is available for investment measures that lead to savings in greenhouse gas emissions through both energy efficiency measures and energy-saving measures. Eligible measures are

  • Investments in fixed assets
    Expenditure on ancillary costs (e.g. planning costs)
    Building-related individual measures to improve energy efficiency (e.g. on the façade, roof, windows, doors, gates, heating, cooling)
    Non-building-related individual measures to improve energy efficiency, such as
    • the replacement of inefficient technical systems and units
    • the installation of systems for heat recovery and waste heat utilisation
    • Measures for energy-related process optimisation

Note: It is not possible to subsidise energy generation systems (e.g. photovoltaic systems) and storage systems alone.

Who is subsidised?

  • small and medium-sized companies
  • large companies

Funding conditions:

  • A comprehensive expert analysis of the existing energy-saving potential in the company is required for the funding of a project.
  • The applicant must provide evidence of an energy audit or energy management system.
  • This audit or system must be carried out by a suitable person whose suitability is demonstrated by entry in the public list of energy auditors of the Federal Office of Economics and
  • Export Control (BAFA) or proof of corresponding qualifications.
  • The funding is mainly aimed at energy-saving measures.
  • Additional projects such as energy storage or renewable energy generation can only be subsidised on a supplementary basis.
  • The subsidised projects must be implemented in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.
  • Companies can combine building-related energy efficiency measures with investments in systems for generating electricity, heat or cooling from renewable energy sources as part of the funding programme.
  • Supported installations include, for example, photovoltaic systems and heat pumps.
  • Energy storage systems, charging infrastructures and connections to district heating networks are also eligible for funding.

Amount of funding:

The necessary funds are provided by the Ministry of Energy from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The total funding amount is 42 million euros

  • up to 50 per cent for small businesses
  • up to 35 per cent for medium-sized companies
  • up to 20 per cent for large companies

The maximum amount is one million euros.

Duration of the programme:

Applications can be submitted from now until 30 June 2027.

Further information: Sachsen-Anhalt ENERGIE (

Further information: Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Energie, Klimaschutz und Umwelt des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

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